Illustration and visual art contest “This is your moment”. Prize €1500

“This is your moment” is a contest organized by Fidenza Village in collaboration with Parma Capital of Culture and the Antonio Ligabue Foundation.

Participation: free, via the Instagram platform
Prize: €1,500 to the winner
Registration closes at 11:59 p.m. on October 18, 2020

Call for all artists! This is your moment.. Amaze us with a positive, magical and surprising creation, full of hope, populated by nature. Imagine a new world.
PRIZE: 1500 € and the opportunity to exhibit your work in Fidenza Village alongside an original masterpiece by Ligabue. DEADLINE October 18th.


  1. Visit this link and download the inspirational kit and download the inspirational kit
  2. Create an artwork setting it in the scenery of the Village and letting yourself be inspired by Antonio Ligabue’s imagination.
  3. Post your creation on your Instagram profile and mention @fidenzavillage (The sooner you participate the more you have the chance that your image will be exhibited immediately together with Ligabue’s masterpiece).

The image chosen by the jurors as the contest winner will be awarded a prize of €1,500. The most interesting contributions will be displayed immediately in the Fidenza Village space, which will host an original work by Antonio Ligabue (so, the sooner you participate, the more chances you have that your image will be exhibited together with Ligabue’s masterpiece).

For more information, please refer to the complete contest rules which can be found on the

giurati del concorso di illustrazione di fidenza village
Rossana Orlandi, Camilla Falsini, Davide Rampello, Francesca Velani, Maria Vittoria Baravelli, Michele Guerra, Simone Sbarbati


The proposals of creatives from all over the world will be evaluated by an exceptional jury composed of important personalities from the world of culture, art and design: Rossana Orlandi (international design icon, gallery owner and sustainable design ambassador), Davide Rampello (Creative Director – Fidenza Village for 2020 and 2021), Simone Sbarbati (co-founder and director of art magazine Frizzifrizzi), Maria Vittoria Baravelli (art-sharer and art curator), internationally renowned artist Camilla Falsini (who designed the creative behind the Fidenza Village and MiArt LOVE campaign in 2019), Michele Guerra (Professor of Cinema, Photography and Television at the University of Parma and Councillor for Culture of Parma) and Francesca Velani (Projects Coordinator of Parma Capital of Culture 2020/21 and VicePresident Promo P.A. Foundation).

illustration contest
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illustration contest
ILLUSTRATION CONTEST PRIZE: 1500 € and the opportunity to exhibit your work in Fidenza Village alongside an original masterpiece by Ligabue. DEADLINE October 18th.
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